引用本文:姜忠武1,何春晗1,纪 歌2.基于空间卫星轨道的单脉冲雷达测量精度评定方法研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(1):12-16
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姜忠武1,何春晗1,纪 歌2 (1.63816部队贵州 贵阳 5500252.西昌卫星发射中心四川 西昌 615000) 
中文关键词:脉冲雷达  卫星轨道  精度评定  校飞
Research on Measurement Accuracy Evaluation Method of Mono-pulse Radar Based on Space Satellite Orbit
Abstract:For the problem of complex and difficult coordination in the current accuracy evaluation method of mono-pulse radar for limited equipment source measurement and control points, this paper compares the precise orbit provided by space satellite with the measurement data of pulse radar to realize the error statistics and accuracy evaluation of pulse radar. The results show that the accuracy evaluation method of pulse radar based on precise orbit of space satellite is simple and feasible, and it can effectively replace the current flight calibration and other accuracy evaluation methods of complex equipment for the measurement and control points of limited equipment sources.
keywords:pulse radar  satellite orbit  accuracy evaluation  flight calibration
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