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付占威 (内蒙古超高压供电局内蒙古 呼和浩特 010080) 
中文关键词:视频叠加算法  变电站  高压  电气设备  易损性  可视化监控
Visual Supervision of Vulnerable High-voltage Electrical Equipment in Substation Based on Video Overlay Algorithm
Abstract:In order to enhance the visual effect of vulnerability of high voltage electrical equipment in substation, visual monitoring of vulnerability of high voltage electrical equipment in substation based on video superposition algorithm is studied. Using improved α the hybrid algorithm combines the anti aliasing of video background color, superimposes visible video and infrared video, selects the pilot filter to divide the video frame into the base layer and the detail layer, uses the improved adaptive weighted two-dimensional principal component analysis (W2DPCA) to fuse the base layer, and selects the detail layer as the final detail layer to obtain the final fusion frame, Visual monitoring of vulnerability of high voltage electrical equipment in substation is realized. The experimental results show that the monitoring images obtained by this method can reflect rich details of substation high-voltage electrical equipment, and the texture color and edge contrast of equipment are enhanced, which is convenient to accurately judge the vulnerability of substation high-voltage electrical equipment.
keywords:video overlay algorithm  substation  high voltage  electrical equipment  vulnerability  visual monitoring
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