引用本文:赵 强,王 瑞,朱宝全,李哲煜.基于机器视觉的车道线检测研究进展综述[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(1):34-40
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赵 强,王 瑞,朱宝全,李哲煜 (东北林业大学 交通学院黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040) 
中文关键词:车道线检测  机器视觉  特征检测  模型检测  深度学习
Overview of the Research Progress of Lane Line Detection Based on Machine Vision
Abstract:Aiming at the important role of lane line detection technology in lane departure warning, automatic parking and lane change in various driving assistance systems, foreign experts and scholars have done more research on lane detection technology, but in recent years, there have been rare cases about lanes, so this article mainly elaborates the basic situation of the progress of line detection based on machine vision at home and abroad in recent years. First, this paper briefly introduces the basic process of lane line detection based on machine vision, and then illustrates on the basic testing principle and current state of research of the three typical methods based on feature, model and deep learning, and compares the three typical research methods. Finally, the main problems of the lane line detection method based on machine vision are put forward, and the future development direction is proposed.
keywords:lane line detection  machine vision  feature detection  model checking  deep learning
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