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林婷婷 (肇庆医学高等专科学校广东 肇庆 526020) 
中文关键词:神经网络  BP算法  成绩预测
Research on Performance Prediction Model Based on BP Neural Network Algorithm
Abstract:Based on sigmoid activation function, a BP neural network system was established. Its weights and thresholds were further revised by learning the average data of college entrance examination from 2006 to 2015 of a certain high school. The maximum relative error of the system was 0.22%, the correlation degree was 0.6667, the probability of small error was 0.98, and the variance ratio was 0.0002. The prediction accuracy of this BP neural network system was high. In the prediction of the average score of the college entrance examination from 2016 to 2020, it was found that the absolute error between the predicted result and the actual result was only 2 points. In addition, the BP neural network also was used to predict the average score of the college entrance examination in 2021, and affording a final prediction result as 571 points.
keywords:neural network  BP algorithm  performance prediction
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