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杨小琴1,朱玉全2 (1.南京工业大学浦江学院 计算机与通信工程学院江苏 南京 2111342.江苏大学 计算机科学与通信工程学院江苏 镇江 212013) 
中文关键词:卷积神经网络  轻量级神经网络  单幅图像超分辨率  图像增强
Research on Super-Resolution of Single Image Based on CNN Lightweight Neural Network
Abstract:In order to enhance the low-resolution image into a high-resolution(HR) image and finally obtain the super-resolution (SR) image, a lightweight neural network (LNN) with mixed residual and dense connection structure is proposed to improve the performance of single image super-resolution (SISR). Two LNNS are constructed: interlayer SR-LNN (SR-ILLNN) and simplified SR-LNN (SR-SLNN). SR-ILLNN adopts a filling scheme based on partial convolution to avoid the loss of boundary information, combines local and global jump connections to train the residuals on the output feature map between convolution layers, and trains SR-ILLNN on low resolution and high resolution images. SR-SLNN deletes the high-resolution feature layer and shared feature layer of SR-ILLNN to reduce the network complexity of SR-ILLNN. The training images were extracted from the diversified 2K (DIV2K) image data set, and the accuracy and network complexity of SR were tested and evaluated. Experimental results show that compared with traditional methods, SR-ILLNN and SR-SLNN can significantly reduce the number of parameters, memory capacity and calculation time, while maintaining similar image quality.
keywords:convolutional neural network  lightweight neural network  single image super-resolution  image enhancement
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