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段文双1,闫书佳1,2,单鸿涛1,卢金科3 (1.上海工程技术大学 电子电气工程学院上海 2016202.同济大学 电子与信息工程学院上海 2016203.贵州电网有限责任公司六盘水供电局输电管理所贵州 六盘水 553000) 
中文关键词:故障检测  绝缘子污秽放电  图像分割  高斯函数  特征提取
Feature Extraction of Facular Area in Ultraviolet Image of High Voltage Equipment Discharge
Abstract:Aiming at the problems of the traditional high-voltage electrical equipment ultraviolet image detection method, such as the complexity and low accuracy of the ultraviolet image processing algorithm, an image segmentation algorithm based on Gaussian function color mapping is proposed. Through the discharge experiment of pollution insulators, the ultraviolet images was used to shoot the ultraviolet images of the high-voltage faulty equipment, and the ultraviolet images were segmented. Extract the feature of the facular area of the faulty equipment from the binary image of the ultraviolet facular area, and evaluate the fault class of the high-voltage insulation equipment. During the experiment, ultraviolet images of high-voltage discharge equipment were taken at different distances, and the relationship between the detection distance and the facular area was analyzed. The experimental results show that the Gaussian function color mapping image segmentation algorithm has a better effect on the segmentation of the color facular area; the four characteristic of the discharge equipment ultraviolet spot area, perimeter, long axis, and short axis can be used to characterize the size of the discharge, so as to evaluate the fault class of the high-voltage fault equipment; the characteristic quantity of the leakage facular area has a non-linear negative correlation with the shooting distance.
keywords:fault detect  insulator pollution discharge  image segmentation  Gaussian function  feature extraction
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