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郑泽锋,陈月峰 (广东海洋大学 数学与计算机学院广东 湛江 524088) 
中文关键词:公交运营管理系统  动态规划  Spring Boot
Design and Implementation of Urban Public Transport Operation Management System Based on Dynamic Programming
Abstract:The time complexity and space complexity of the algorithm often increase sharply with the increase of data. In this paper, the dynamic programming algorithm is used to assign the priorities for the drivers and the buses groups, while the transfer conditions of the priorities are solved. By using GIS technology and dynamic planning algorithm, an information-based and transparent urban bus operation management system is designed and implemented. The system consists of five parts, including driver information management, bus line management, authority management, bus information management and bus scheduling management. The time complexity of the proposed algorithm is used in this system, the time complexity is O(nk) (k is the number of times required to derive the state transition equation) in the optimal case and O(n2) in the worst case. The simulation results show that the system is beneficial to the allocation and scheduling of resources, and improves the computational efficiency of scheduling, as well as the economic efficiency of the enterprises.
keywords:public transport operation management system  dynamic programming  Spring Boot
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