引用本文:吴霁霖,陈 林,童朝义.一种基于物联网及区块链的去中心化数据管理系统[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(1):180-183
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吴霁霖,陈 林,童朝义 (中国烟草总公司贵州省公司信息中心贵州 贵阳 550001 ) 
中文关键词:区块链  烟草行业  物料管理  物联网
A Decentralized Data Management System Based on Internet of Things and Blockchain
Abstract:In order to improve the traditional tobacco industry’s lack of material management data traces, which leads to the problem that materials can not be traced back, this paper proposes a decentralized data management system based on the Internet of things and blockchain, based on the research of intelligent contract and IoT technology in blockchain. The system is composed of three main components, including IoT client network, smart contract and security module. It can store data by using blockchain technology to prevent data tampering, data encryption and other features. It can query, trace, analyze and trust the whole life cycle data of materials from purchase to delivery through internet of things technology. The simulation results further verify the effectiveness and practicability of the proposed method.
keywords:blockchain  tobacco industry  material management  internet of things
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