离散异构线性多智能体系统的输出一致性 |
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引用本文:景 丽.离散异构线性多智能体系统的输出一致性[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(2):19-22 |
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中文摘要:研究了离散异构线性多智能体系统的输出一致性问题。考虑到实际系统中部分跟随智能体不能准确获知领航智能体的动态,所以采用观测器方法研究系统的输出一致性问题。首先为每个跟随智能体构造观测器,用以估计领航者的状态;其次设计分布式控制器,提出系统实现输出一致性所应满足的充分条件,并运用Lyapunov稳定性理论、矩阵论、图论知识加以证明;最后运用MATLAB软件的SIMULINK工具箱进行数值仿真,仿真结果显示文中方法与结论是有效的。 |
中文关键词:多智能体系统 异构 输出一致性 观测器 |
Output Consensus Control of Discrete Heterogeneous Linear Multi-agent Systems |
Abstract:The problems of output consensus control of discrete heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems are considered. Since for practical systems leaders’ dynamics may not be got, the research on output consensus control uses observer method. Firstly, observers are designed for each follower among the multi-agent systems and through it the leader’s state can be estimated by followers. Then a distributed control protocol and a sufficient condition are proposed for the systems to achieve consensus of outputs. The results are proved by Lyapunov stability theory, matrix theory and graph theory. In the end of the paper a simulation finished by SIMULINK tools of MATLAB software are given, which shows that the presented method and result in this paper is effective. |
keywords:multi-agent systems heterogeneity consensus of output observer |
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