引用本文:周 鑫,李宝树,王 涵.基于大数据集成算法的多终端接入模式自动化识别模型[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(2):34-39
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周 鑫,李宝树,王 涵 (江苏电力信息技术有限公司江苏 南京 210009) 
中文关键词:大数据集成  多终端接入  模式识别  数据采集  冲突检测
Automatic Recognition Model of Multi Terminal Access Mode Based on Big Data Integration Algorithm
Abstract:In order to improve the accuracy and efficiency of multi terminal server access of mobile terminal equipment and better complete the human-computer interaction of application services, an automatic recognition model of multi terminal access mode based on big data integration algorithm is proposed. The multi terminal data structure information features are collected in the Internet of things environment, and the spatial convergence objective function of sensor nodes is established. The acquisition nodes are located and optimized through the minimum variance evaluation, and the complete access data is collected; The initial conflict feature information is calculated, the outlier weight of the conflict feature data is calculated by using the de-noising method, the conflict judgment criteria are constructed, the conflict detection results are output, and the detailed attributes of the access data are mastered; Gaussian mixture clustering is used to classify the multi terminal mode information, and the maximum log likelihood algorithm is used to optimize the sample information. The device access speed is taken as the clustering index, and the random sampling thinking is integrated to obtain the automatic recognition model of multi terminal access mode. The test results show that the model has excellent recognition accuracy and efficiency, and can properly complete the expected pattern recognition target.
keywords:big data integration  multi terminal access  pattern recognition  data acquisition  conflict detection
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