引用本文:李 锐1,周子煦2.基于多维度自适应机制改进的混合人工鱼群优化算法[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(2):77-83
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李 锐1,周子煦2 (1.湖南科技大学 数学与计算科学学院湖南 湘潭 4112012.汕头大学 商学院广东 汕头 515000) 
中文关键词:人工鱼群算法  自适应视野与步长  Levy过程  权重因子
Hybrid Artificial Fish Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Multi-dimensional Adaptive Mechanism
Abstract:The traditional artificial fish swarm algorithm in the optimization process, the early convergence speed is very fast, but with the continuous iteration, the convergence speed will gradually decline, it is easy to fall into the local optimal cannot jump out of the situation. Foraging behavior of fish directly affects the convergence speed and the accuracy of numerical solution in the later stage of the algorithm, and field of vision and step size are the basis of foraging behavior of artificial fish. In the early stage, a wide field of vision and a large step size are needed, and in the later stage, the field of vision and step size are limited to improve the convergence speed and optimization accuracy. Vision based adaptive damping function and adaptive step attenuation function to ensure accuracy and global convergence speed of optimal solution, through weighting factor to determine individual biological behavior choice of fish, reuse Levy to swimming mechanism to improve the global search capability of the artificial fish, realized the multidimensional improvement of traditional artificial fish algorithm. Finally, a simulation experiment is designed to verify the efficiency and superiority of the proposed algorithm.
keywords:artificial fish swarm algorithm  adaptive field of vision and step size  Levy process  weighting factor
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