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朱亚辉 (陕西学前师范学院 数学与统计学院,陕西 西安 710100) 
中文关键词:图像融合  多聚焦图像  动静态联合滤波器  结构相似度
Multi-focus Image Fusion Method Based on Dynamic and Static Joint Filter
Abstract:The dynamic and static filter has good edge smoothing characteristics and strong robustness to artifacts such as gradient inversion and global intensity migration. In order to preserve the structure information of the source image, a multi-focus image fusion method based on dynamic and static filter is proposed. Firstly, the dynamic and static joint filter is used to decompose the source image into structural components and texture components, the structural components are fused by visual saliency weighting method, and the texture components are fused by combining phase consistency and sharpness. The initial fusion image is obtained by adding the structure component and texture component; finally, the final fusion image is obtained by calculating the structural similarity between the source image and the initial fusion image as the decision matrix. By comparing the subjective and objective evaluation results of several groups of fused images, it is shown that this method can effectively retain the edge information.
keywords:image fusion  multi-focus image  dynamic and static joint filter  structural similarity
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