引用本文:李 欣,王玉德.基于颜色模型和阈值分割的有遮挡的柑橘果实识别算法[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(2):136-140
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李 欣,王玉德 (曲阜师范大学 网络空间安全学院山东 曲阜 273165) 
中文关键词:遮挡柑橘果实  目标定位  数字图像处理  YCbCr颜色模型  OTSU阈值分割法
Occluded Citrus Fruit Recognition Algorithm Based on Color Model and Threshold Segmentation
Abstract:In order to reduce the difficulty of machine recognition of citrus fruit obscured by branches or leaves, a recognition approach of obscured citrus fruit was proposed based on the YCbCr color space model and the OTSU threshold segmentation technology. The contour features of the fruit obscured by branches and leaves were extracted by using the edge detection method and convex hull algorithm. Two furthest points on the convex hull were selected as the two ends of the fruit diameter to locate the position of the target fruit. The results showed that the algorithm could accurately segment and identify the images of citrus fruits covered by branches and leaves, and the average detection rate of fruit reached 90.48%, effectively improving the efficiency of automatic picking in orchards.
keywords:occlusion of citrus target  target location  digital image processing  YCbCr color model  OTSU threshold segmentation method
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