引用本文:龚文涛1,魏秀英2,肖天航3,孔凡华3,彭 柳3.一种基于LEC的网络故障风险评估与分析策略[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(2):147-152
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龚文涛1,魏秀英2,肖天航3,孔凡华3,彭 柳3 (1.中国石油大学(华东) 信息化建设处,山东 青岛 2665802.青岛西海岸新区(黄岛区)自然资源局,山东 青岛 2664003.中国石油大学(华东) 计算机科学与技术学院,山东 青岛 266580) 
中文关键词:网络  评估  分析
Network Fault Risk Assessment and Analysis Policy Based on LEC
Abstract:With the construction of the school of information continues to expand, the campus network scale becomes bigger and bigger, and the network faults occur due to increase of network users. how to do the research on thinning network fault factors and quantitative evaluation of the influence becomes the hot and difficult point, in response to this demand, the risk assessment is introduced to the campus network fault evaluation and analysis, and the paper puts forward the assessment process and the risk factor set, and gives the final assessment and quantitative analysis, which strengthen the network security.
keywords:network  assessment  analysis
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