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彭利林 (安徽地矿局 安庆测绘技术院安徽 安庆 246003) 
中文关键词:国土空间规划  多信息融合技术  D-S证据理论  嵌入式技术  无人机群
Design of Land Space Planning System Based on Multi-information Fusion Technology
Abstract:Onventional technology China's land space planning system has low data collection efficiency and backward analysis capabilities. This study uses UAV swarms and embedded technology to collect land space planning information. A basic belief distribution function is constructed. The output characteristics of each national spatial planning information data cluster are used as weighted original evidence, and the original evidence is weighted. The fusion rules of D-S evidence theory are applied to each cluster head to achieve the fusion of the multiple source land space planning information evidence, and the final output of the fusion result. The test results show that this research method has a strong ability to collect information on territorial and spatial planning and high efficiency of data information processing.
keywords:land space planning  multi-information fusion technology  D-S evidence theory  embedded technology  UAV swarm
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