引用本文:蔡饶兴 1 ,汪 锐 2.基于远程无线通信的直流电源故障诊断系统[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(3):42-47
摘要点击次数: 442
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蔡饶兴 1 ,汪 锐 2 (1.丽水市人民医院浙江 丽水 323000
2.国网安康供电公司陕西 安康 725000) 
中文关键词:数据通信  直流电源  故障诊断  交流互感器  蚁群算法
Fault Diagnosis System of DC Power Supply Based on Remote Wireless Communication
Abstract:Aiming at the existence of many fault data information during the operation of DC power supply, an improved ant colony neural network fault diagnosis system for DC power supply is designed including data layer, communication layer and network layer. ability. And realize the high-precision current sampling in the DC current source through the AC transformer. The hardware system mainly includes the input setting module, the power amplifier module, the output transformer, the sampling transformer and the rectifier module, etc., which are extracted and processed by the error calculation method. The fault diagnosis data in the power supply is newly extracted and monitored. The optimal diagnosis of DC power failure data information is realized by constructing ant colony algorithm. Through experiments, this research method has low fault detection error and strong search ability.
keywords:data communication  DC power supply  fault diagnosis  AC transformer  ant colony algorithm
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