引用本文:张艳清 ,郭大川.基于UR10机器人的涂胶系统应用[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(3):48-53
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张艳清 ,郭大川 (北京奔驰汽车有限公司北京 100176) 
中文关键词:UR10机器人  SCA涂胶  智能化  人机协作
Application of Gluing System Based on UR10 Robot
Abstract:With the continuous development of automobile enterprises in the direction of intelligence and the application field of robot expanding and deepening, flexible robots have been more and more widely used in various industries. This paper mainly takes Beijing Benz body shop as the background, the body shop undertakes the important task of producing white body as one of the four major processes of automobile manufacturing, in order to save labor costs and achieve the goal of "carbon peak and carbon neutralization" faster, the company has introduced ur10 robot provided by youao robot company and glue pump system provided by SCA company, and completes the robot tool design, releasing tooling tire design, electrical design and software configuration as the above two system. Through the actual use on site, the gluing system not only meets the on-site process requirements, realizes man-machine cooperation and collision detection, but also ensures the stability and safety of production operation.
keywords:Ur10 robot  SCA gluing  intellectualization  man machine cooperation
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