引用本文:张 婷.基于无限深度神经网络的非平衡大数据集群匿名化调度算法[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(3):71-76
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张 婷 (岳阳职业技术学院湖南 岳阳 414000) 
中文关键词:无限深度神经网络  非平衡大数据  匿名化  卷积神经网络  最小最大概率机  负载均衡
Anonymous Scheduling Algorithm for Unbalanced Big Data Cluster Based on Infinite Depth Neural Network
Abstract:In order to improve the efficiency, accuracy and security of data scheduling of unbalanced big data cluster, an anonymous scheduling algorithm of unbalanced big data cluster based on infinite depth neural network is proposed. The data acquisition module uses the sensor to collect the data information of each node server in the unbalanced big data cluster and transmit it to the depth minimum maximum probability machine of the data classification module. Through the end-to-end method of convolution neural network, the unbalanced big data obtained is trained, the advanced features of the original big data are extracted, and the minimum maximum probability machine is used as the classifier, Realize the classification of unbalanced big data; The k-nonymization algorithm of the data anonymization module is applied to anonymously process the classified data information, and the load balancing scheduling method based on Ant Colony Algorithm in the data scheduling module is used to schedule the nodes and tasks of the unbalanced big data cluster in real time. The experimental results show that the algorithm can improve the classification accuracy of unbalanced big data, reduce the rate of information loss and the risk of disclosure, fully schedule advantageous nodes and idle nodes, realize the balanced allocation of tasks, and improve the task scheduling ability of unbalanced big data clusters.
keywords:infinite depth neural network  unbalanced big data  anonymization  convolutional neural network  minimum maximum probability machine  load balancing
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