引用本文:金 苇 1 ,钱 巨 1,2 ,孟祥臻 1.基于双目视觉与目标识别拟合的三维屏幕定位方法[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(3):94-99
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金 苇 1 ,钱 巨 1,2 ,孟祥臻 1 (1. 南京航空航天大学 计算机科学与技术学院江苏 南京 2100162. 软件新技术与产业协同创新中心江苏 南京 210023) 
中文关键词:计算机视觉  双目视觉  空间拟合  目标定位
A Three-Dimensional Screen Positioning Method Based on Binocular Vision and Target Recognition Fitting
Abstract:In order to solve the 3D -space screen position localization problem, a localization algorithm based on binocular vision, screen object detection, and spatial fitting is proposed. It first leverages the edge and contour detection to obtain the area of the subject screen in the 2D image. The algorithm then uses binocular vision technique to collect depth data from the identified screen area and uses least square method to fit the collected spatial data to obtain the spatial equation of the screen, and finally calculates the position of the four screen corner vertices in 3D space to locate the position of the screen. Experimental results show that the screen positions calculated by this method have a high degree of accuracy.
keywords:computer vision  binocular vision  spatial fitting  target location
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