引用本文:刘 凯.基于红外图像识别技术的道路与桥梁故障诊断[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(3):105-110
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刘 凯 (北京新航程开发建设有限公司,北京 102600) 
中文关键词:红外对射光栅  图像识别  词典学习  分层图像融合框架  高低频分量
Road and Bridge Fault Diagnosis Based on Infrared Image Recognition Technology
Abstract:Aiming at the problems of low recognition efficiency and large data error of traditional road and bridge fault diagnosis methods, an intelligent monitoring system based on infrared image recognition is proposed, and the fault monitoring machine equipped with infrared reflection grating is used for monitoring, so as to realize the integration of image recognition, data management and application. The system includes a hierarchical image fusion framework, uses layer by layer deep learning technology to mine the details of the image, and extracts the key information of the image for dictionary learning. According to the morphological similarity, the source image is divided into smooth, random and main direction patches. The weighted average fusion rules based on max-l1 and L2 norm are used to fuse the high-frequency and low-frequency components of the three cluster image block groups. The fused low-frequency component and high-frequency component are combined to obtain the final fusion result. Comparative experiments verify the practicability and reliability of the proposed image fusion scheme. Under the same image segmentation parameters, the fault monitoring rate calculated by this model is 94.14%.
keywords:infrared reflection grating  image recognition  dictionary learning  hierarchical image fusion framework  high and low frequency components
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