引用本文:王 磊.基于图像视觉特征的体育训练错误动作捕捉[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(3):111-116
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王 磊 (陕西警官职业学院陕西 西安 710000) 
中文关键词:图像视觉特征  错误动作捕捉  信号特征  特征向量  坐标点
Sports Training Error Motion Capture Based on Image Visual Characteristics
Abstract:Because the coach can’t supervise every athlete’s training action in real time, some wrong actions may affect the training effect, or cause injury to the athlete. Therefore, a sports training error motion capture method based on image visual features is proposed. Preprocessing the training image and judging whether there is a training action in the current frame; The image is divided into three images according to R, G and B by wavelet packet decomposition. The 16 signal features of the second layer in each image are extracted respectively to obtain the feature vector of each image. After normalizing the feature vectors of the three images, the total feature vector is obtained; By comparing with the standard action, judge whether it is a wrong action to realize capture. In the simulation analysis, the proposed method can effectively extract the image target features, and the captured wrong actions have no misjudgment.
keywords:image visual features  error motion capture  signal characteristics  feature vector  coordinate point
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