引用本文:孟 哲,余 粟.基于Hadoop和并行BP网络的打车需求量预测系统研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(3):117-120
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孟 哲,余 粟 (上海工程技术大学 电子电气工程学院上海 200000) 
中文关键词:打车需求量  Hadoop  MapReduce  BP神经网络
Research on Taxi Demand Forecasting System Based on Hadoop and Parallel BP Network
Abstract:A good taxi demand forecasting system can help improve the city's transportation system and help the city dispatch taxis more efficiently. This paper discusses the theory of building a taxi demand prediction system based on Hadoop, then designs and builds a taxi demand prediction system. In addition, in view of the slow convergence speed of traditional BP neural network, a parallel BP neural network based on MapReduce is proposed in this paper. And it is used as the prediction model of the system to predict the taxi demand. According to the experimental results, the system proposed in this paper can predict the taxi demand in a certain area of the city in a day effectively.
keywords:taxi demand  Hadoop  MapReduce  BP neural network
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