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谷葆春 (北京信息科技大学 计算机学院北京 100101) 
中文关键词:金融知识  摘要提取  Seq2Seq模型  Attention机制  深度学习  股票
Application of Chinese Text Summarization by Seq2Seq Model in Engine System of Finance Knowledge
Abstract:For an engine system of finance knowledge, the application of Seq2Seq model in the system is researched. The summarization is extracted from the Decoder by importing important data such as research reports from the Encoder of Seq2Seq model. In the model, Attention mechanism is provided to give a large relative data a larger weight. According this the output data is exported. At last the LawRouge is used to evaluate the summarization from the Seq2Seq model.
keywords:financie knowledge  extract summary  Seq2Seq model  attention mechanism  deep learning  stock
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