引用本文:汪本清 ,柯海波,叶章文,文 凡,尹晓梅.物联网和遥感信息融合的变电智能运检系统设计[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(3):154-158
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汪本清 ,柯海波,叶章文,文 凡,尹晓梅 (合肥供电公司安徽 合肥 230088 ) 
中文关键词:物联网  遥感信息融合  变电站  运检系统  运检路线
Design of Substation Intelligent Operation Inspection System Based on Internet of Things and Remote Sensing Information Fusion
Abstract:In order to improve the application performance of substation operation inspection system, an intelligent substation operation inspection system based on Internet of things and remote sensing information fusion is designed. GPS satellite positioning chip, remote sensing information fusion subsystem, RFID and other equipment are used to collect substation operation inspection information. The information enters the data layer from the transmission layer. The fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm is used to divide the operation inspection information categories. Different types of information are stored in different databases. Based on the information in the database, the information processing is carried out under the control of STM32F103 series single chip microcomputer. The processing results provide data support for the system application function. The test results show that the planned operation inspection route of the system is simpler, the operation inspection time is shorter, and it is more conducive to improve the overall data processing accuracy.
keywords:Internet of Things  remote sensing information fusion  substation  operation inspection system  transportation inspection route
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