引用本文:谢 鑫 ,梁卫芳,陈 敏.一种基于多维防御混合策略的虚拟机保护安全性增强方法[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(3):165-171
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谢 鑫 ,梁卫芳,陈 敏 (湖南信息学院 计算机科学与工程学院湖南 长沙 410151) 
中文关键词:多维防御混合  虚拟机保护  防篡改  混淆网络  ROP技术
A Virtual Machine Protection Security Enhancement Method Based on Multi-dimensional Defense Hybrid Strategy
Abstract:A multi-dimensional defense hybrid approach for virtual machine protection security enhancement was proposed to address the problem of weak virtual machine module connection security. Firstly, ROP, instruction overlapping and instruction self-modification techniques were used to obfuscate the virtual machine framework module connection instruction sequence, then obfuscated instruction networks constructed based on diversification and randomization techniques was applied to enhance the complexity of the instruction sequences, and finally guard set and three-thread protection techniques were used to complete the anti-tampering. Key techniques such as opaque predicates, random selection functions, instruction equivalence substitution and code data conversion were used to implement the prototype system, and the feasibility and effectiveness of the method are experimentally verified.
keywords:multi-dimensional defense hybrid  virtual machine protection  anti-tampering  obfuscation network  ROP technology
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