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黄志都,崔志美 (广西电网有限责任公司 电力科学研究院广西 南宁 530000 ) 
中文关键词:无人驾驶飞机  深度学习  轨迹规划  地质灾害勘测
Flight Trajectory of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Geological Survey Based on Deep Learning
Abstract:To explore the flight trajectory of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and geological disaster survey, firstly, the work analyzes the relationship among UAV flight height, image resolution, and the time consumed in geological survey based on the relevant theories of deep learning and UAV. Secondly, the convolution neural network (CNN) model is applied to the study of geological survey image accuracy. Finally, Sigmoid algorithm is introduced to analyze the flight trajectory of UAV. The results show that the flight altitude of UAV is inversely proportional to the image resolution and directly proportional to the time spent in geological survey. In the case of the same height and different control points, the CNN model can reduce the point position error and elevation error of the data, and the accuracy will be higher with the increase of control points. Sigmoid algorithm is introduced into the attitude control and speed control of UAV, which can limit the attitude control error to -0.5~1 and the speed control error to -0.3~0.3. Both CNN model and Sigmoid algorithm can optimize the development of UAV. Therefore, studying flight trajectory planning and geological hazard survey under deep learning has great reference significance for the rapid development of UAV.
keywords:unmanned aircraft  deep learning  trajectory planning  geological hazard survey
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