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陈禹旭,任昊文,黄焯恒 (南方电网数字电网研究院有限公司 平台安全分公司广东 广州 510663) 
中文关键词:全链路检测  日志投递  中台服务  数字电网
Full Link Monitoring and Middle Station Service Optimization of Digital Power Grid Based on Global Log Delivery
Abstract:With the rapid development of power network, the scale and dimension of power data are increasing rapidly. In order to manage the power grid system reasonably, it is necessary to monitor the data in the whole link. This paper first introduces the current situation of power grid full link monitoring at home and abroad, and then expounds the concept of power grid data based on global log delivery under the new form. The full link monitoring of the middle station service is based on the global log delivery. Among them, the more important is the function of data console service. Then, based on the global log delivery function, the architecture of middle office service is reasonably constructed, and the whole link of middle office service is monitored and optimized. Implement and verify the business scenario of the middle office service, monitor through specific trigger instructions, and verify that the full link monitoring and optimization technology of the middle office service has service functions such as communication, data acquisition and processing, can coordinate the functions of power consumption data management and monitoring, and provide effective application value for user detection and energy efficiency management under the new form of digital power grid.
keywords:full link detection  log delivery  middle desk service  digital grid
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