引用本文:王迦祺,张 健,吴天慧,晋佳浩.基于高斯混合飞蛾优化算法的Wiener模型辨识[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(4):103-111
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王迦祺,张 健,吴天慧,晋佳浩 (营口理工学院 电气工程学院辽宁 营口 115014) 
中文关键词:Wiener模型  系统辨识  飞蛾优化算法  高斯混合分布  测试函数  函数连接型神经网络
Wiener Model Identification Based on Gaussian-mixture Moth-Flame Optimization
Abstract:Aiming at the identification problem of Wiener model, this paper proposes a novel identification scheme combining the advantages of FLANN and Moth-Flame Optimization (MFO). The scheme uses FLANN to fit the static nonlinear block and update the parameters of linear part and nonlinear part simultaneously by converting the identification problem to an optimization problem. In order to improve the identification performance of MFO, this paper proposes a novel version named Gaussian-mixture Moth-Flame Optimization (GMFO) by introducing the idea of Gaussian-mixture distribution into the moth population initialization and position adjustment. Test functions are used to verify its optimization performance. Finally, simulation results verify the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed identification scheme.
keywords:wiener model  system identification  moth-flame optimization  Gaussian-mixture distribution  test function  functional link artificial neural network
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