引用本文:王兴华1,张 俊2,高来先3,张永炘3.一种基于超混沌系统的加密算法及其在预制舱变电站的应用[J].计算技术与自动化,2022,(4):134-139
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王兴华1,张 俊2,高来先3,张永炘3 (1. 广东电网有限责任公司电网规划研究中心广东 广州 5106002. 广东电网有限责任公司江门供电局广东 江门 5290993. 广东创成建设监理咨询有限公司广东 广州 510062) 
中文关键词:混沌加密  安全通信  公钥密码体系  预制舱变电站
An Encryption Algorithm Based on Hyperchaotic System and Its Application in Prefabricated Cabin Substation
Abstract:Aiming at the potential information security problems in prefabricated cabin substation technology, an encryption algorithm based on hyperchaotic system is proposed. The algorithm adopts public key encryption protocol, which is suitable for many to one and many to many power grid information interaction modes. Firstly, the prime generator generates the prime number, and uses the prime number to determine the public key and private key of the encryption system. Secondly, the public key and private key are normalized to make their values within the initial value interval of chaotic sequence. Thirdly, the high randomness of the generated sequence of hyperchaotic system is used for encryption operations such as mask and diffusion, and the ciphertext is sent to the receiver. Finally, the valid plaintext is obtained by decrypting the correct key at the receiver. Experimental results and analysis show that the algorithm has the advantages of large key space, strong key sensitivity and high resistance to differential attacks.
keywords:chaotic encryption  secure communication  public key cryptosystem  prefabricated cabin substation
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