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李鹏瑞1,2 (1.唐山曹妃甸工业区 长白机电设备检修有限公司河北 唐山 0632002.河北冶金连铸设备制造技术创新中心河北 唐山 063200) 
中文关键词:双水内冷  连铸辊道  故障诊断  关联规则  频繁项集  Apriori算法
Fault Association Rule Diagnosis Technology of Double Water Internal Cooling Continuous Casting Roller Table System
Abstract:The double water internal cooling continuous casting roller table system is mainly composed of circulating water station / water pump, supporting beam frame, roller table and other components. The failure of any component will affect the continuous casting production process. In order to ensure the continuous casting production efficiency and quality, the fault association rule diagnosis technology of double water internal cooling continuous casting roller table system is studied. Build a fault diagnosis model based on association rules, collect the operation fault data of various components during the operation of double water internal cooling continuous casting roller table system, mine the frequent itemsets in the fault data by using the optimized Apriori algorithm, mine the association rules between the fault data, generate association rules and build relevant fault rule base according to whether the fault type and fault cause are known, Based on the rules, the faults of double water internal cooling continuous casting roller table system are diagnosed, and the faults are treated according to the diagnosis results. The test results show that the technology can accurately diagnose all kinds of faults of the test object within 1s.
keywords:double water internal cooling  continuous casting roller table  fault diagnosis  association rules  frequent itemsets  Apriori algorithm
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