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刘胜男1,蔡永梅1,李敏2,李志文2 (1.国网青海省电力公司营销服务中心青海 西宁 8100002.北京智芯微电子科技有限公司北京 100000) 
中文关键词:电能计量  二次回路  互感器  故障诊断  远程诊断设备  电参量
Remote Diagnosis Method of Secondary Circuit Fault of Electric Energy Metering Transformer
Abstract:In order to ensure the smooth operation of electric energy metering equipment and improve the accuracy of secondary circuit fault diagnosis, a remote diagnosis method of secondary circuit fault of electric energy metering transformer is proposed to improve the effect of secondary circuit fault diagnosis caused by different reasons. Each detection point is arranged on the voltage and current secondary circuit at the secondary side of the electric energy metering. The electrical parameter data of each detection point is collected through the PT monitoring unit, CT monitoring unit and multi-channel analog collector of the remote diagnosis equipment and transmitted to the fault diagnosis unit of the remote diagnosis equipment. The fault diagnosis unit comprehensively processes the received data information, The fault diagnosis model of BP neural network based on improved particle swarm optimization is used to diagnose the fault of transformer secondary circuit, and the fault diagnosis results are output. The experimental results show that after 80 iterations, the fitness curve achieves the best convergence effect, obtains the minimum MSE value, can effectively identify the waveform change of current signal, realize the remote diagnosis of transformer secondary circuit fault caused by different reasons, and the fault diagnosis accuracy is high.
keywords:electric energy measurement  secondary circuit  transformer  fault diagnosis  remote diagnostic equipment  electrical parameters
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