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刘建波,王伟钊,刘晓,王大龙,汪心妍,李文强,马雪锋,杨梅 (山东省计量科学研究院,山东 济南 250014) 
中文摘要:针对充电桩现场测试设备的充电需求与实际输出不一致,出现电压、电流不匹配的问题,设计了一套检测方案,构建出包括电流检测模块、电压检测模块和示波器检测模块的检测电路,通过采样电压和电流信号,计算出不同负载下充电桩输出电流和电压值,并设计了包括直流电能采集电路, 由双通道AD转换 AD7380、可编程增益放大器、可编程增益放大器、增益电阻Rg2和电源变换器、低通滤波器电容 CL、低通滤波器电阻RL组成的检测电路,在检测电路中,为了提高检测效率,还设置了校正电路。通过试验,本研究方法分析直观,误差低。
中文关键词:充电桩  计量校准  电流检测、电压检测  校正电路  不匹配
Analysis and Treatment of the Mismatch Between Output and Charging Demand in the Process Of Charging Pile Metering
Abstract:In view of the difference of charging requirements of on-site testing equipment and actual output for charging piles, resulting in voltage and current mismatches, a set of detection scheme was designed, construct a detection circuit including a current detection module, a voltage detection module, and an oscilloscope detection module, Calculate the output current and voltage values of the charging pile under different loads by sampling the voltage and current signals, a detection circuit consisting of a dual channel AD conversion AD7380, a programmable gain amplifier, a programmable gain amplifier, a gain resistor Rg2, a power converter, a low-pass filter capacitor CL, and a low-pass filter resistor RL is designed, including a DC power acquisition circuit, In the detection circuit, a correction circuit is also provided to improve the detection efficiency. Through experiments, this research method is intuitive in analysis and has low error.
keywords:Charging Pile  Metrological Calibration  Current Detection, Voltage Detection  Correction Circuit  Mismatching
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