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赵莉1,孙燕芹1,陶冶2 (1.青岛市中医医院(市海慈医院)山东 青岛 2660002.青岛科技大学 信息科学与技术学院山东 青岛 266000) 
中文关键词:智能算法  鸽群算法  量子计算  函数优化  高精度
Quantum Fusion Algorithm Based on Pigeon-inspired Optimization
Abstract:For the premature convergence problem of pigeon flock algorithm, a new improved algorithm is proposed.The algorithm adopts the reverse learning method to initialize the settings, introduces quantum computing rules and integrates the fish swarm algorithm. In the iterative process, the simulated annealing method is used to select the global extreme value and gradually approach the optimal solution.The improved fusion algorithm is applied to function optimization, and the algorithm performance is evaluated by solving several test functions.The experimental results show that the new algorithm can quickly search for the global optimal value of the problem, and it also performs well in solving high-precision problems, effectively improving the premature convergence problem and improving the performance of the algorithm.
keywords:intelligent algorithm  PIO  quantum computing  function optimization  high precision
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