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冯鸥1,2,易灵芝2,周东访3,周喜明4 (1.湖南理工职业技术学院湖南 湘潭 4111052.湘潭大学 自动化与电子信息学院湖南 湘潭 4111053.湘潭大学基建处湖南 湘潭 4111054.江西省九江市国家电网江西 九江 332000) 
中文关键词:粒子群算法  最大功率点  局部发电障碍
Research on Photovoltaic MPPT Based on Local Generation Obstacle Detection
Abstract:When the external environment changes or local power generation obstacles inside the photovoltaic cell, the output curve of the photovoltaic array presents multi peaks. In view of the fact that the traditional algorithm is easy to fall into local peak and the intelligent optimization algorithm is easy to track the global optimization, a particle swarm optimization algorithm based on iterative step accumulation is proposed. Combined with the detection idea of disturbance observation method, the algorithm approaches the global maximum power point through the gradual change of step size. Simulation results show that the algorithm can track the global optimization in real time under the changes of single peak and multi peak environment, with high and stable output power accuracy and fast convergence speed.
keywords:particle swarm optimization  maximum power point  local power generation obstacle
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