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周茜 (国网石家庄供电公司河北 石家庄 050019) 
中文关键词:PLC  智能终端  边缘终端  新型电力系统  终端配置  优化配置
Optimal Configuration Method of Intelligent Edge Terminal of New Power System Based on PLC
Abstract:Aiming at the problems of low investment benefit, poor reliability of power system and difficult determination of optimal parameters, a new optimal configuration method of intelligent edge terminal of power system based on PLC is proposed. This paper deeply analyzes the functions and functions of the intelligent edge terminal of the new power system, constructs the objective function of the optimal configuration of the intelligent edge terminal, determines the objective function to solve the relevant constraints, applies PLC to obtain the operation data of the intelligent edge terminal and the power system, uses genetic algorithm to solve the objective function of the optimal configuration of the terminal, outputs the optimal configuration scheme of the intelligent edge terminal, and realizes the optimal configuration of the intelligent edge terminal. The experimental results show that the total cost of optimized configuration of intelligent edge terminals obtained by using the proposed method is lower than the total cost budget, and the reliability parameters are higher than the minimum limit, so the configuration effect is better.
keywords:PLC  intelligent terminal  edge terminal  new power system  terminal configuration  optimized configuration
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