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徐海文 (湖南省林业局湖南 长沙 410004) 
中文关键词:智慧森林防火  监测预警  森林火灾  卫星热点  遥感
Application of Satellite Remote Sensing in Intelligent Forest Fire Prevention Monitoring and Warning System
Abstract:In recent years, the climate has been unusually changeable, forest fires have occurred frequently, and forest resources have been seriously damaged. The accuracy and timeliness of forest fire monitoring and early warning is the key to reduce the occurrence of forest fire. In order to effectively solve the outstanding problem of “untimely and inaccurate monitoring and early warning” in forest fire prevention, this paper studies the design and implementation process of building intelligent forest fire prevention monitoring and early warning system using satellite remote sensing and other information technologies in combination with the current situation, situation and existing problems of forest fire prevention monitoring and early warning. The completion of the system, especially the application of satellite remote sensing in the system, is of great help and assistance to forest fire prevention monitoring and early warning, and is conducive to improving the unified command and coordination ability of forest departments at all levels for fire monitoring and early warning.
keywords:intelligent forest fire prevention  monitoring and early warning  forest fire  satellite hotspot  remote sensing
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