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陈泽峰,李华山,赵瑞云,张家珍,苑宏钰 (海洋石油工程股份有限公司天津 300461) 
中文关键词:遗传算法  A*算法  变异  路径规划  适应度
Path Planning of Offshore Platform Inspection Robot Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm
Abstract:The optimal path search efficiency of traditional genetic algorithm is relatively low, and it is easy to generate meaningless individuals. Therefore, the idea of simulated annealing is introduced into the selection operation of the genetic algorithm to improve the local search ability of the algorithm, and the evolution operation of the variable-length chromosome adjacent point crossover operator is adjusted to avoid generating discontinuous paths. At the same time, diversity constraints and an improved A* algorithm are introduced into the mutation operation to improve the early search efficiency of the genetic algorithm. Finally, the path length, safety and movement cost are considered in the fitness function, and the generated path is far away from obstacles and reduces the number of turns to a certain extent. Experiments show that the improved genetic algorithm improves the search efficiency in the process of path planning in a multi-obstacle environment, and is more conducive to finding the optimal solution in practical applications.
keywords:genetic algorithm  A* algorithm  mutation  path planning  fitness
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