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陈怡娜 (陕西邮电职业技术学院,陕西 咸阳 712000) 
中文关键词:深度学习  无线传感器  异常数据  数据融合  DCNN  分段处理
Abnormal Data Detection of Wireless Sensor Based on Deep Learning Algorithm
Abstract:The abnormal data detection method based on deep learning is proposed to accurately detect the abnormal data of wireless sensors and visually display the detection results. Based on the clustering principle of wireless sensor network (WSN) model, the invalid data in WSN is removed through the data fusion mechanism driven by abnormal data, and the effective data fusion results of WSN are obtained. A deep convolutional neural network with four hidden layers is constructed, and the preprocessed wireless sensor network data is used as the model input. After data feature extraction and mapping are completed through the hidden layer, abnormal data detection results are output by the output layer. Experimental results show that this method can effectively fuse different types of data, and the average energy consumption of network nodes is low. The deep convolutional neural network with four hidden layers has an average classification accuracy of 98.44%, and the training loss of hidden layers tends to 0 after 1000 iterations, which can realize real-time, intuitive and accurate detection of wireless sensor abnormal data.
keywords:deep learning  wireless sensor  abnormal data  data fusion  DCNN  subsection processing
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