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牟少霞1,吕冰彩2 (1.菲律宾永恒大学菲律宾 马尼拉 60152.山东省教育招生考试院山东 济南 250011) 
中文关键词:注意力机制  人机交互  半监督  敏感数据抽取  BiLSTM模型  CRF模型
Semi-Supervised Sensitive Data Extraction Algorithm for Human-computer Interaction Information Based on Attention Mechanism
Abstract:In order to improve the extraction effect of sensitive data, a semi-supervised sensitive data extraction method of human-computer interaction information integrating attention mechanism is proposed. Bi-LSTM-CRF model is constructed by integrating convolution and human-computer interaction attention mechanism. Sensitive words are transformed into character matrix through the convolution interaction attention mechanism of the model. Bi-LSTM is used to encode the matrix to obtain distributed arrangement of character level characteristics of sensitive words. Through the Bi-LSTM is sensitive to the distributed array secondary coding gain word context information hidden state, based on the hidden state of combining class convolution attention at close range for all the words of attention weight distribution on the word to get kind of convolution attention matrix, the matrix through the model the interaction layer focus attention for all of the sensitive word weight distribution, attention to obtain interaction matrix, convolution attention yourself matrix and interaction matrix using the class splicing into double attention matrix, using interactive gating circulation cell upgrade double attention attention layer matrix into new attention matrix, the matrix through the connection dimension reduction access to sensitive word corresponding forecast label, realize human-computer interaction information a semi-supervised sensitive data extraction. Experimental results show that this method can effectively reduce the complexity of sensitive data extraction and has a high recall rate of sensitive data extraction.
keywords:attention mechanism  human-computer interaction  a semi-supervised  sensitive data extraction  BiLSTM model  CRF model
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