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唐泽恬,童林,龙先梅 (六盘水师范学院 物理与电气工程学院贵州 六盘水 553000) 
中文关键词:可见光图像  红外图像  图像融合  直方图规定化  卷积神经网络
Infrared and Low Illumination Visible Light Image Fusion Based on CNN and Histogram Specification
Abstract:Aiming at the problem that the subtle texture information cannot be effectively preserved in the fusion of infrared and low illumination visible light images, a fusion algorithm of infrared and low illumination visible light images based on CNN and histogram specification is proposed. Firstly, the fused image is obtained by the fusion method based on convolutional neural networks; then, the gray histogram of the fused image is calculated, and the histogram of the visible image is mapped to the interval of the histogram of the fused image through histogram specification to enhance the texture information of the image; finally, the histogram specified image and infrared image are fused by convolution neural network to obtain the fused image. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is superior to the fusion method based on convolutional neural networks in visual effect and objective evaluation.
keywords:visible light image  infrared image  image fusion  histogram specification  convolutional neural networks
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