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简雄,唐银清,黄斌文 (海南医学院现代教育技术中心, 海南 海口 571199) 
中文关键词:麻雀搜索算法  误报率  支持向量机  网络入侵  检测率
Study on Network Intrusion Detection Based on SSA-SVM
Abstract:The rapid development of the Internet has made the cyberspace more and more complex, and network intrusion has led to network security issues. In order to improve the efficiency and accuracy of network intrusion detection, a network intrusion detection model based on support vector machine was constructed. The penalty coefficient and kernel function parameters of the support vector machine model directly affect the detection accuracy of the intrusion model. Sparrow search algorithm is used to optimize the penalty coefficient and kernel function parameters. A network intrusion detection model based on sparrow search algorithm and support vector machine is proposed. The proposed network intrusion detection model is applied to the actual network intrusion detection, and compared with PSO-SVM and SVM models. The results show that the proposed network intrusion detection model can effectively reduce the false alarm rate of network intrusion, which is of practical significance to ensure network security.
keywords:sparrow search algorithm  false alarm rate  support vector machine  network intrusion  detection rate
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