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李宁,朱永忠 (河海大学理学院江苏 南京 211100) 
中文关键词:变异系数  MEWMA-γ2  平均运行长度
MEWMA-γ2 Control Chart for Monitoring Squared Coefficient of Variation
Abstract:The coefficient of variation has been widely used in different fields to measure the degree of variation of each observation in data. To monitor the quality characteristics of various manufacturing or service processes, the memory control chart has become a vital real-time monitoring scheme. This paper presents a modified exponentially weighted moving average (denoted as MEWMA-γ2) control chart for the coefficient of variation, studies its average run length under different parameters by Monte Carlo simulation, and compares it with other EWMA control charts. The results show that the proposed control chart has good performance. At the end of this paper, the advantages of this method in application is illustrated by the datasets of the sintering process of mechanical parts.
keywords:coefficient of variation  MEWMA-γ2  average run length
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