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花磊,崔骥,赵安全,靳亮,金伟 (江苏博云科技股份有限公司江苏 苏州 215123) 
中文关键词:强化学习  资源调整  弹性伸缩  云计算平台  微服务架构
Elastic Scaling for Microservices Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Abstract:Existing horizontal scaling strategies of microservices cannot well deal with various resources’ requirements of heterogeneous applications, so this paper proposes an elastic scaling approach for microservices based on multi-agent reinforcement learning. Firstly, the resource adjustment of cloud applications is modeled with the running states, resource adjustment actions and rewards. Then, the strategy network is trained with the deep neural network to adjust resources, and the value network is trained to evaluate the decision and optimize the adjustments. Finally, the elastic scaling strategy combining centralized model training with distributed resource adjustment is proposed. The experimental results show that the approach can timely adjust the resources of each microservice according to workloads fluctuation, effectively reduce the response time of cloud applications’ requests, and reduce the cost of using cloud platforms’ resources.
keywords:reinforcement learning  resource adjustment  elastic scaling  cloud computing platform  microservice architecture
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