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陈桃 (南京工程学院 电力工程学院江苏 南京 211167) 
中文关键词:直流微电网  双有源桥DC-DC变换器  改进的模糊PI控制  模糊规则表  稳态响应
Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converter Based on Improved Fuzzy PI Control
Abstract:In DC microgrid, the dynamic response speed of DC voltage is slow due to the disturbance of DC load. At the same time, DC voltage overshoot will be caused when load switching. Improved fuzzy PI control is adopted and applied to the dual active bridge DC-DC converter of energy storage unit in the DC microgrid. Firstly, a pre-processing link is added to the existing fuzzy PI control, which judges and tracks the error of the DC voltage in time, so that the DC bus voltage quickly reaches the reference value, and the dynamic response speed of the DC voltage is improved.Secondly,the rule base of the existing fuzzy PI control algorithm for the lack of precision is anazed in the parameter adjustment process, and an improved fuzzy PI rule table is obtained by modifying it to reduce the overshoot of the DC voltage. Finally, the improved fuzzy PI control is simulated and verified. The simulation results show that for the existing PI controller and fuzzy PI controller, the improved fuzzy PI controller has significantly improved steady-state response speed, overshoot and anti-interference performance, and improved the voltage quality of DC bus.
keywords:DC microgrid  dual active bridge DC-DC converter  improved fuzzy PI control  fuzzy rule base  steady state response
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