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徐硕1,2,张轩雄1,明帅强2,3 (1.上海理工大学上海 2000932.嘉兴科民电子设备技术有限公司浙江 嘉兴 3140063.中国科学院微电子研究所仪器设备研发中心北京 100029) 
中文关键词:原子层沉积  PC控制  EtherCAT  TwinCAT
Application of PC Control Technology in ALD System
Abstract:Aiming at the problems of poor hardware structure compatibility, weak data exchange and data processing ability in current domestic atomic layer deposition (ALD) control system. By analyzing the characteristics of ALD thin film growth process, the hardware components of the system are selected, the system control structure is determined, and the ALD system based on PC control is designed. The system uses Beckhoff industrial PC as the main controller, uses EtherCAT fieldbus technology to transfer and exchange data between the controller and I/O module, and uses TwinCAT control software to control the operation of the whole system. The field operation results of the new system show that the system has perfect function, strong real-time performance and stable operation, and the process results can meet the semiconductor film process standard. The ALD system based on PC control is of great significance to realize the automation of film growth, and provides guidance for the application of PC control in film growth.
keywords:atomic layer deposition  PC control  EtherCAT  TwinCAT
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