引用本文:万燕英1, 莫玉梅2, 郭清达3.采用示教杆的机器人喷涂轨迹生成方法研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2023,(4):14-19
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万燕英1, 莫玉梅2, 郭清达3 (1. 广州铁路职业技术学院 信息工程学院广东 广州 510430
2. 广东理工学院 智能制造学院广东 肇庆 526100
3. 广州工业智能研究院广东 广州 511458) 
中文摘要:为了解决汽车局部漆面的机器人喷涂轨迹快速获取需求,提出了一种采用示教杆的工业机器人喷涂轨迹生成方法。该方法设计了1∶1复制工业机器人D -H模型参数的示教杆,并建立了基于B样条曲面算法的喷涂轨迹路径点及姿态生成模型。在方法测试中,介绍了喷涂轨迹生成的实验流程,以汽车翼子板和车门为例,采用示教杆进行表面轮廓点获取与路径位姿生成仿真,最后在协作机器人(负载5kg)进行在机运行测试。测试表明,所提出的方法能够快速获得喷涂目标区域轨迹,验证了方法的可行性。
中文关键词:喷涂轨迹  工业机器人  示教杆  B样条曲面
Research on Robot Spray Trajectory Generation Method Using Teaching Rod
Abstract:To meet the requirement of rapid acquisition of robot spraying trajectory for local surface of automobile, the paper proposes a robotic solution to generate spraying trajectory using teaching rod. The proposed method designs the teaching rod which 1∶1 duplicates industrial robot D -H model parameters and established generation model of the spray trajectory path points and pose based on B-spline surface algorithm. Taking the automobile fender and door as an example, the teaching rod is used to acquire the surface contour points and generate the path pose, and the 5kg load cooperative robot is used for operation test. The physical test results show that the proposed method can achieve the rapid acquisition of the target spray area trajectory and the feasibility of the method is validated.
keywords:spray trajectory  industrial robot  teaching rod  B-spline surface
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