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东纯海 (国网天津市电力公司物资公司天津 300300) 
中文关键词:机器视觉  自动化立体仓库  分区  货位分配  透明化  出库效率
Transparent Allocation Method of Multi Lane Automated Three-dimensional Warehouse Based on Machine Vision
Abstract:For the effective location in the three-dimensional warehouse, when designing the transparent allocation scheme, the location status is mainly mastered through human eye recognition, which makes the delivery efficiency of the final allocation scheme low. Therefore, the machine vision technology is introduced to design a new warehouse location transparent allocation method. The ABC classification method is used to partition all cargo spaces in the multi lane automated three-dimensional warehouse. The shelf images in the warehouse are collected by industrial cameras, and the collected images are identified by machine vision technology, so as to comprehensively grasp the location of the empty storage space in the warehouse. Aiming at the highest delivery efficiency, the mathematical model of location transparent allocation is established, and the optimal location allocation scheme is generated through the decision tree search algorithm. The experimental results show that the proposed method improves the outbound efficiency by 24.53% and 23.92% compared with the allocation method based on particle swarm optimization and commodity relevance.
keywords:machine vision  automated three-dimensional warehouse  zoning  location allocation  transparency  ex warehouse efficiency
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