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李恒1,2,李茂军1 (1.长沙理工大学湖南 长沙 4101142.长沙航空职业技术学院湖南 长沙 410124) 
中文关键词:航班调度  状态空间模型进化算法  多跑道  延误损失  序号编码
Optimized Scheduling of Flight Order Coded Evolutionary Algorithm Based on State-space Model
Abstract:The optimal scheduling of multi-runway flights in and out of the port is to optimize the sorting of inbound and outbound flights,under the premise of take the flights in and out of the port in a certain time as a whole . It is a typical combinatorial optimization problem. When solving combinatorial optimization problems, order encoding is more direct and convenient than binary and real number encoding. In this paper, an order coded evolutionary algorithm based on State-space Model is proposed. As the function of mutation operator is realized by constructing state evolution matrix,the genetic manipulation is simplified and its application in the optimal scheduling of inbound and outbound flights is studied. Simulation results show that compared with First Come First Service (FCFS) flight sorting,OSEA algorithm reduces the total delay loss by 32.88% and the calculation speed is faster.
keywords:flight scheduling  state-space model evolutionary algorithm  multi-runways  flight delay loss  order coded
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