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李文伟1,朱龙2,陈子文2 (1.广西电网有限责任公司钦州供电局广西 钦州 5350002.南京南瑞继保电气有限公司江苏 南京 530023) 
中文关键词:双目立体视觉  变电站空间毫米级区域  故障三维场域监测  图像预处理
Three-dimensional Field Monitoring Method for Millimeter-level Regional Faults in Substation Space Based on Binocular Stereo Vision
Abstract:In view of the high complexity of three basic faults, inability to locate millimeter level regional faults, incomplete fault analysis and low detection accuracy, a three-dimensional field monitoring method of millimeter-level regional faults in substation space based on binocular stereo vision is proposed. This method uses binocular stereo vision to establish the imaging model, collect and processes the 3D field image of the substation space millimeter level area, to eliminate noise pollution and improve the monitoring effect. According to the results, extract the fault feature vector based on the improved Hu constant moment, train it in the regularization limit learning machine model and obtain the final result to realize the monitoring. The experimental results show that through the comparative test of the proposed method, the detection accuracy is maintained above 80%, and the highest detection accuracy is close to 100%. It improves the accuracy of fault monitoring and has a good application prospect.
keywords:binocular stereo vision  millimeter-level area of substation space  three-dimensional field monitoring of faults  image preprocessing
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