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樊云鹏,池招荣,覃显南,赖璐璐,黄雅琴,廖曼君 (广西电网有限责任公司崇左供电局广西 崇左 532200) 
中文关键词:最大熵阈值分割  故障监测  电气二次回路  虚拟场景  二次回路故障  三维可视化识别模型
3D Visual Identification Model of Electrical Secondary Circuit Fault Based on Maximum Entropy Threshold Segmentation
Abstract:In order to monitor and understand the operating conditions of the secondary circuit more intuitively and in real time, and reduce the workload of fault post troubleshooting, a three-dimensional visual identification model of electrical secondary circuit fault based on maximum entropy threshold segmentation is studied. Collecting the operation data of the secondary circuit, generating the three-dimensional virtual scene of the electrical secondary circuit, calibrating the position of the voltage sensor and the monitoring angle and distance of the infrared imager; The image is segmented based on the maximum entropy threshold, and the target and background are extracted and recognized; Establishing a three-dimensional visual recognition model of secondary circuit fault, realizing the matching of two-dimensional image and three-dimensional scene, and completing the electrical secondary circuit fault recognition. Through experimental demonstration and analysis, the 3D visualization image after maximum entropy threshold segmentation is clear, and there is no loss of pixels; The accuracy of fault identification is more than 95%, the false detection rate and missed detection rate are less than 5%. It has better 3D visual identification effect and quality.
keywords:maximum entropy threshold segmentation  fault monitoring  electrical secondary circuit  virtual scene  secondary circuit fault  3D visual identification model
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